S.NO. | Surah | Ref. | Prayer (Dua/Supplication/Invocation) |
9 | Aale’Imraan | 3:8 | The Believers say – “O our Rabb! Let not our hearts deviate now, after You have guided us. But grant us mercy from You for You the Granter of Bounties without measures.” |
10 | Aale’Imraan | 3:16 | “O our Rabb! We have indeed believed. Then forgive us our sins and save us from the agony of the Fire,” |
11 | Aale’Imraan | 3:26 3:27 | “O ALLAH! Lord of the Power and Rule! You give power to whom You are pleased with, and You strip off power from whom You please. You bestow honour on whom You are pleased with, and You bring low whom You please. In Your hands is all Good, and verily, over all things You have power.” |
12 | Aale’Imraan | 3:147 | In the face of an enemy the believers prayed – “O our Rabb! Forgive us our sins and anything that we may have done that transgressed our duty to You. Kindly establish our feet firmly and help us against those who resist faith.” |
13 | Aale’Imraan | 3:191 | Men (of understandings) always remember ALLAH – whether standing, sitting or lyning down on their sides. They contemplate the wonders of creation in the heavens and the earth and they say _ “O our Rabb! Not for nothing have You created all this! Glory to You Give us salvation from punishment of the Fire.” |
14 | Aale’Imraan | 3:192 | “O our Rabb! Any whom You admit to the Fire, truly You cover him with shame and never will wrong doers would find any helpers.” |
15 | Aale’Imraan | 3:193 | “O our Rabb! We have heard the call of one calling us towards Faith. Saying – believe you people in ALLAH and we have believed. O our Rabb! Kindly forgive us our sins, blot out our iniquities from us and kindly take to Yourself our souls in the company of the righteous.” |
16 | Aale’Imraan | 3:194 | “ O our Rabb! Grant us kindly what You did promise to us through Your messengers and save us from the shame on the Day of Judgment. For you never break a promise.” |
17 | A’a-raaf | 7:23 | Adam and Eve prayed – “O our Rabb! We have wronged our own soul. If You do not forgive us and do not bestow upon us Your Mercy then we shall certainly be lost.” |
18 | A’a-raaf | 7:126 | The magicians at the court of Pharoah prayed – “O our Rabb! Pour out on us patience and constancy, and take our souls unto You as a Muslims (i.e who surrender to Your will).” |
19 | Yunus | 10:85 | Followers of Moses said – “In ALLAH we do put our trust. O our Rabb! Make not us a trial for those who practice oppression.” |
20 | Yunus | 10:86 | “And deliver us by Your Mercy from those who reject You.” |
21 | Yusuf | 12:101 | Prophet Yusuf prayed – “O my Rubb! You have indeed bestowed upon me some power, and taught me something of the interpretation of dreams. O You creator of the heavens and the earth! You are m Protector in this world and in the Hereafter. So take my soul (at death) as one submitting to Your Will (as a Muslim) and unite me with the righteous.” |
21 | Yusuf | 12:101 | Prophet Yusuf prayed – “O my Rubb! You have indeed bestowed upon me some power, and taught me something of the interpretation of dreams. O You creator of the heavens and the earth! You are m Protector in this world and in the Hereafter. So take my soul (at death) as one submitting to Your Will (as a Muslim) and unite me with the righteous.” |
22 | Ibraaheem | 14:40 | Prophet Ibraaheem prayed –“ O my RUBB! Make me one who establishes regular Prayer, and also raise such from my offspring .O our RUBB! Kindly accept my Prayer.” |
23 | Ibraaheem | 14:41 | Prophet Ibraaheem continued – “O our Rabb! Cover us with Your forgiveness – me, my parents and all believers on the Day of Judgment when the reckoning will be done.” |
24 | Bani-Israeel | 17:24 | Be kind to parents and pry – “O my Rabb! Bestow on them Your mercy even as they cherished as they cherished me in childhood.’ |
25 | Bani-Israeel | 17:80 | Say – “O our Rabb! Let my entry be by the Gate of Truth and Honour, and likewise let my exist be by the Gate of Truth and Honour. And grant me from You an authority to aid (me).” |
26 | Kahf | 18:10 | The youths took shelter in the cave and prayed –“O our Rabb! Bestow upon us Mercy from Yourself and dispose of our affair for us in the right way.” |
27 | Taa-Haa | 20:114 | The Holy Messenger of ALLAH - Muhammad Sal Lal Laahu ‘Allehi Wa Sallam prayed while reciting Quran – “O my Rabbi increase me in knowledge.” |
28 | Ambiyaaa | 21:83 | Prophet Ayub (Job) cried in distress “O my Rabb! Truly distress has overpowered me, but You are the Most Merciful of those who are merciful.” |
29 | Ambiyaaa | 21:87 | Prophet Ayub (Job) cried from the depth of darkness (from the belly of a fish) – “There is no god but You. Glory to You. I was indeed wrong.” |
30 | Mu’mi’noon | 23:97 | And say – “O my Rabb! I seek refuge with You from the suggestion of Shaitaan.” |
31 | Mu’mi’noon | 23:98 | “And I seek refuge with You O my Rabb! Lest they should come near me (i.e evil suggestions).” |
32 | Mu’mi’noon | 23:109 | “O our Rabb! We believe, and then You do forgive us, and mercy upon us. For You are the best of those who show mercy.” |
33 | Mu’mi’noon | 23:118 | Say – “O my Rabb! Grant You to me forgiveness and mercy! For You are the best of those who show mercy.” |
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